Yesterday I found out I was pregnant with #3 (I'm am very early). Almost no one knows since I'm not one to announce this type of thing until 12 weeks. I must admit I'm more nervous then I thought I would be. Actually I initially freaked out! Why? I'm not so sure. After all I've done this before. I know what to expect. I think what scared me is that it may all be too much. Being a great mom is at the very top of my priority list. I want to make sure I give each one of my kiddos 100% so I was (am) nervous that #3 will spread me so thin I wouldn't be able to. After all, I've often heard that the third baby often throws everything off balance.
Then last night I sat watching my two beautiful boys playing together. I thought "how lucky I am for a chance to add to my little family". I think it will be lovely to be a family of five.
On another note...how great is this maternity outfit. It is definitely on my list of must haves!!!
picture via http://www.bellydancematernity.com/