So today I started my month of living on a budget and purchasing strict necessities only. So far so good. First, I usually stop and get an iced coffee before work. Today however, I brought it from home. Usually on non-work days I brew my coffee at home but I end up throwing a way what's leftover in the pot. Yesterday I stored the leftovers in the fridge. Before I left today I grabbed my travel cup filled it with ice, added coffee and milk. Ta-da. Just as good as store bought and saved $3 bucks and 5 minutes on my commute. I also brought leftovers for lunch today. Perused the fridge and found some yummy chicken parm stuffed it in a roll and done. Moola saved: $7.00. It took me no time at all and I saved ten bucks. Not bad for the first day.
i'm looking forward to reading about your progress!