Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's has been a while since I've posted last. Unfortunately I don't have any real excuse except that I'm feeling completely uninspired of late. I think it's because I have too much on my plate right now and I can't seem to focus on any one thing. So instead of doing anything productive I've been browsing the web for my fall wardrobe. I guess it's not really being unproductive since making a plan on what I need rather then impulse buying is part of the new me. However my work "to do" lists aren't getting checked off and that's bit of a problem. But these flats are a must buy. And for now that makes me happy so I guess that's something.

picture via Anthropolgie

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

picture via The AE Blog

pictures via

I am loving these items from American Eagle. But how old it too old? I don't want to be one of those people who dress way too young for their age. Although I do have an American Eagle Peacoat that I wear and still get lots of compliments from strangers. So maybe a couple of items would be ok......?

Monday, August 9, 2010

So today I started my month of living on a budget and purchasing strict necessities only. So far so good. First, I usually stop and get an iced coffee before work. Today however, I brought it from home. Usually on non-work days I brew my coffee at home but I end up throwing a way what's leftover in the pot. Yesterday I stored the leftovers in the fridge. Before I left today I grabbed my travel cup filled it with ice, added coffee and milk. Ta-da. Just as good as store bought and saved $3 bucks and 5 minutes on my commute. I also brought leftovers for lunch today. Perused the fridge and found some yummy chicken parm stuffed it in a roll and done. Moola saved: $7.00. It took me no time at all and I saved ten bucks. Not bad for the first day.

Friday, August 6, 2010

It's Friday!!!! Yesterday I met a friend and we spent the day at the beach with the kids. We were afraid we would get rained on but it turned out to be a great day! The kids had a blast and we had some lovely adult conversation. In my effort to save money we packed lunch. I must say there is something to be said about a sandwich on the beach. It definitely brings back memories of myself as a kid! So very happy to pass the memory on to my own!
This should be a relaxing weekend. I have plans to put up my gallery wall and try my hand at a home cooked meal on Sunday. Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

So I decided to go on a spending hiatus. Well at the very least a budget. No more credit cards. No more debit cards. I will be using strictly cash. I'm going to allow myself $100.00 a week for our weekly expenses. Those weekly expenses will be made up of strict necessities. With maybe an ice cream cone thrown in for the kids here and there. I plan to continue this little experiment for one month starting on Sunday.

We constantly struggle with the fact that we are just making it on our salaries. But then I look around I see so much waste. Mountains of toys. Drawers full of clothes with tags still on it. Expired food in the pantry. I feel like I need to cleanse myself and my family of this. Lately I've really been looking for ways to enjoy the simple things. However I never seem to have time for this. I wonder if all this material stuff is part of the reason. Maybe this experiment will help show me if that's the case.

I'll let you know how it goes! Wish me luck!!!


Monday, August 2, 2010

In my pursuit to still have a lovely lifestyle for less I came across a ruffled Henley long sleeve Tee at Old Navy for $14 bucks! It's a dead ringer for this one from J. Crew for more then twice the price. I'm already picturing throwing this on over a pair of skinny jeans and flats on a crispish September day!!